

Meraki Dance Company invites you to be a Storyteller. Telling stories shapes communities of liked minded hearts. Meraki “Storytellers” is a movement project sharing moments of the heart and soul of true human experiences through stories. We are calling out survivors, feelers, doers and believers. Write your story, share your story, and we will move your story. With every movement and feeling, our bodies will bring beauty, honesty, bravery and life to the soles you’re walking in.



Meraki invites you to journal with us as they bring hope and healing to the stories of human lives. This is an opportunity for anyone who has a story that needs to be heard, for anyone who needs help carrying the deep burdens of their life, and for hearts who need to see beauty from their ashes!

How to Submit:
•Write your story and email it to our director at
•All story characters are kept confidential for a safe experience for the authors.
•Hilary will create a piece for the show that embodies your story. You will have the opportunity to experience your story through movement at the STORYTELLERS show.

Questions about the show, how it works, or how to be a part email


Directors Note

I love the language created through movement, and loving people opens this door. Movement draws me into the story of their lives. I love to know them, hear them, and find out what makes them beautifully and wonderfully created.
As a child I was quiet, keeping thoughts, feelings, experiences, inward and hidden. Movement was my safe place. It’s where I felt alive, and it truly was my saving grace. Over the years I found great healing and a voice in sharing my stories through dance. It has healed so many places in my heart and brought beauty from ashes. Creating “Storytellers” has been laid on my heart in the hopes to bring beauty and life to the stories of others. Join me on a journey of "being human to the fullest"! With Love- Hilary McAlister